Freshers’ Getaway

Save the Date!

Freshaway 2024 will be taking place from Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th September.

Coming up to Cambridge in October 2024? We’d love to invite you to our Freshers’ Getaway!

Freshaway is for those who want to investigate what it looks like to live for Jesus at university. Expect great Bible teaching and practical seminars, lots of fun and games, and opportunities to build friendships and get stuck in before Freshers’ Week even starts. Whether you’re excited or nervous about starting university, going to Freshaway will mean you arrive in Cambridge:

  • knowing dozens of other students already.
  • with an idea of what the main student churches are like through chatting to some of their staff.
  • prepared by three days of prayer, praise, talks, and seminars to live for Jesus at university from the very first day.

Whatever your background we’d love to have you with us!


A Google Form to register your interest is here. We’ll email you with the full sign-up form (which will also be posted here) on UK A-Level Results Day (15th of August).


To sign up for Freshaway, please fill in the google form here.


If you have questions about the Christian Union, please email the CICCU Getaways Secretary Ffion Thomas.