Hello!! :))
Welcome to Pembroke Christian Union! We are a group of ordinary Christians who are united through Jesus Christ, and who are keen to share what he has done for us with the college.
Everyone – from any religious background or stage of faith – is very welcome to join us! It is our aim to provide a welcoming, relaxed community where spiritual questions are discussed in an honest way.
We have two main weekly meetings within college:
- Bible Study @ 6:00pm on Saturday evenings. We meet together in Trough (the Dining Hall) to share a meal together, before heading to J2 at 6:30pm for a short study and time of prayer.
- Prayer Group @ 8:00am on Friday mornings. We meet in the College Chapel to share some breakfast snacks together, before starting the day by worship God together, especially praying for each other and the wider college community.
Additionally, we have lots of fun events planned throughout the year, including socials and speaker events, as advertised on our social media pages. One popular event is Questions & Quesadillas, an opportunity to have your questions about faith engaged with in a sensitive manner, and a free quesadilla delivered to your door!
Current college reps:
- Jude Burling jacb7@cam.ac.uk
- Daniel Moore dm2023@cam.ac.uk
Also check out our Facebook and Instagram pages:
- pembrokecu on Facebook
- @pembrokechristianunion on Instagram