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If you’re an incoming Fresher who is thinking about what living for Jesus at university might look like – we’d love to see you at freshaway! More info can be found on the dedicated section of this website, but as a teaser trailer: Freshaway is a short trip away, before the start of first year, with a bunch of other freshers from across the colleges and also the college reps (ie. Sophia or Jonathan!). We’d love to get to know you, help you meet other freshers and prepare for starting life in Cambridge! Do sign up!
Hello everyone! I’m Sophia, a History and Spanish student at Emma and also a rep for our joint college christian union! I’m from O*xford (the other side!), I love buying books and never reading them, and I love walking around this beautiful city!
My time at Cambridge so far has been transformative for my faith in Jesus, and my role as rep now is to create opportunities for students across Emma and Downing to hear the wonderful news of the gospel and to discuss any questions they may have. As well as this, we also seek to help Christians in both colleges in their walks with Jesus while at Cambridge, by praying for one another and spending time together!
So if you’re a prospective or current student in Cambridge, a Christian already or totally not, I’d love to meet you, read the bible with you, or point you towards things you can get involved with.
Drop me a line at sjb357@cam.ac.uk with any questions or if you just want to chat things through and see what we do in Emma/Downing! I also run the @emma_downing_cu instagram – so if you DM the account, I’ll get back to you!
We’d hope to see you soon at one of our events in Emma/Downing! God bless 🙂
Hi, I’m Jonathan, a classicist and rep at Downing! I am confident that God works through students, whom He has placed in the appropriate social and academic spaces to give Him glory! I am convinced that prayer and study of the Word – corporately and individually – are central to the life of Christians, which prepare us for the outward mission of evangelism.
I am always willing to meet to chat over theological questions, study the Bible and offer encouragements to the end that you grasp more tightly the promises of God in Christ Jesus! If you are a current or prospective student don’t hesitate to drop me an email (jdw90@cam.ac.uk).
The Grace of Christ be with you!