
Guest speakers

On the week commencing 4th Feb we’ll be hosting talks every afternoon and evening Monday to Friday. Each talk will be addressing a question surround God, the Bible, Jesus and the Christian faith. In the afternoons we’ll be joined by guest speaker Pete Nicholas and in the evening, Michael Ramsden.


Pete Nicholas

Pete Nicholas is pastor of the Inspire London church, which is part of the Redeemer City to City network, and is on the City to City UK executive. Previously he worked for Christians in Sport, and before that as a management consultant in the technology industry.

Michael Ramsden

Michael is International Director of RZIM and one of the founders of the OCCA. He passionately engages with people of all backgrounds and cultures about questions of faith, primarily speaking in business, academic, and political settings across the globe.

Guest Interviewees

For some of the evening events we’ll also be joined by a series of guests over the course of the week. Each guest interviewee will share about their experiences and lives.

Monday Evening

Dr Sharon Dirckx

Dr Sharon Dirckx is a Senior Tutor at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) and an RZIM Apologist. Originally from a scientific background, she has a Ph.D. in brain imaging from the University of Cambridge and has held research positions at the University of Oxford, UK and the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.

Tuesday Evening

Major General Tim Cross

Major General Tim Cross, a retired British Army officer, will be joining in Cambridge on Wednesday. Tim has served as an officer in the Army for over thirty years during which time he became a Christian. He will share his story and give his take on the question “What is the point?”.

Wednesday Evening

Student Guests: Toby & Issy

We’ll be joined by two student guests sharing about their journeys to accepting the Christian faith while at University, how it has since impacted their lives today and shapes their view of tomorrow.

Thursday Evening

Hassan John

Among other things, Hassan is a priest of the Anglican Diocese of Jos in Nigeria, the Editor of Global Christian News and also a stringer for CNN in northern Nigeria. He has reported on the attacks by the radical Islamic Jihadi sect, Boko Haram, since 2010. He has a bounty on his head.


Friday Evening

Luna Wang

Our guest, Luna Wang, grew up in China and always thought religions were superstitious. While studying in Oxford, she was introduced to Christianity and found it both attractive and trustworthy.